by Pauline van Lynden, Dutch translation with Vanessa Everts
Editions Assouline / Walburg Pers / Rolf Heyne, 2003

Rajasthan. The name immediately evokes a mythical country. Pauline van Lynden's first visit to this most colourful region of India in 1988 was followed by many more over the years and led quite naturally to the creation of her first book. Using the technique of collage to share her fabulous pictorial archives gathered over fifteen years, Van Lynden shows the age-old traditions, arts and crafts, jewellery and textiles of the region. Her travel journals, bound by herself and crammed with samples, form the backbone of her text. A treasure trove for stylists, designers, travellers and India lovers.
ISBN 2 84323 446 8 English
ISBN 2 84323 529 French
ISBN 90 5730 276 4 Dutch
ISBN 3 89910 286 X German
This book is now out of print, but you can find it second hand here
By no means a wilderness, but subject to dangers of its own, India and its culture attract thousands of visitors each year. RAJASTHAN by Pauline van Lynden makes it clear why so many head straight for India's second largest state. As the author points out, Rajasthan is about visual splendour, and the sumptuous pictures in this evocative book reflect the colour and magnificence of even everyday life there.
- Colin McDowell, Sunday Times most beautiful illustrated books of 2003
I own many books about India, but this is the most beautiful I have ever received. It is so modern! Stunning collages. It is India, of today too, the many facets I encounter on my travels, the contrasts between rich and poor, without a political message. It has been created with great taste and that is rare.
Gloria Kok, fashion designer